Posted on November 7, 2017 2:02 pm


The family constellation led by Ingeborg in Turkey was truly amazing. Most people had not experienced it before and were truly astounded at the results.

For me it was an unbelievable experience as my issue didn’t involve a person but a feeling. To hear the person who was the ‘feeling’ (who  didn’t know they were not a person,)saying words I use myself to describe it was uncanny. Afterwards the feeling completely disappeared.

It was obvious that Ingaborg’s experience and deep intuition played an enormous part which made the whole session so very interesting and even life changing.

If you have a family issue and have never experienced family constellation work, I would strongly recommend you book a session with Ingaborg who is an expert in her field.

( Sylvia Longstaff. UK. )


I would like to you thank you for the Family Constellation made situations in my life become clearer and been able to process , it was watching my life unfold in front of me like a film !
I have never experienced anything like this before how deeply moved and touched I was by the workshop You have an amazing gift that is going to help so many people, you are truly an inspiration to me and i’m sure so many others. It was an honour and a pleasure to have been a part of this and I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Also your kindness to treat me 24/7 on the beach ! In the car  restaurants !
When I badly sprained my ankle with the magic of Mi-health which was amazing had great results .
Feeling blessed .

( Nicky ❤ )

